Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mid-year review

Bullet-like, speed of time, lightning speed..some of the descriptions on how fast this year has been..
Well..guess i m responsible to review myself a little bit.
Basically things r okay other than just resigned from the bleeping job. Excited but of course, worry about the uncertainties lie ahead. Well, have to face the music.
I think the ultimate goal for this year is to get a job that i really like..
That's it..simplicity is the beauty.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The day when MJ is gone..

I resigned from my job!
Boom...i can't compare myself with the greats, but they don't own the date.
26/6/09..out of this shit hole.

Monday, June 8, 2009


I cant find new job..i am sad..
I really can't stand it anymore. A lousy, most-hated, unqualified, ugly team leader who has no idea on how to lead.
Please god...gimme a new job. I am beggin' ya.

Thursday, June 4, 2009